Research Projects

研究課題名:Testing and teaching second language pragmatic skills for studying abroad


PI 新谷奈津子 Natsuko Shintani 関西大学 Kansai University
Co-PI 水本篤 Atsushi Mizumoto 関西大学 Kansai University
Co-PI トッド・アレン Allen Todd James 関西大学 Kansai University
Co-PI 田中洋也 Hiroya Tanaka 北海学園大学 Hokkai Gakuen University
Co-PI 今尾康弘 Yasuhiro Imao 大阪大学 Osaka University

研究概要(Research Outline)

The Principal Investigator (PI) of this project has been involved in a research project that has developed a battery of tests designed to provide measures of L2 learners’ implicit and explicit pragmatic knowledge. These tests draw on psycholinguistic theorizing about the nature of implicit and explicit knowledge (Bialystok, 1981; N. Ellis, 2002, 2005; R. Ellis, 2005; Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2015) to pragmatic tests. The six tests include the measurements of three aspects of pragmatic knowledge, i.e., speech acts, implicature, and extended discourse.

Refining the developed tests based on the results from pilot studies, the current study will examine Japanese university students’ English pragmatic knowledge and develop instruction to improve their pragmatic competence. It involves three phases:

  1. examines the construct validity of the tests developed in the precursor study.
  2. investigates the effects of study abroad programme on the acquisition of pragmatic knowledge.
  3. involves the development of instructional materials and the investigation of the effects of instruction on the acquisition of university students’ pragmatic knowledge.

関連研究業績(Related Research Output)


Ellis, R., Roever, C., Shintani, N., & Zhu, Yan. (2024). Measuring second language pragmatic competence: A psycholinguistic perspective. Multilingual Matters.


Ellis, R. & Shintani, N. (2023). Investigating a failed novel test of socio-pragmatic knowledge.Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 2(1), 100046.

Shintani, N. & Ellis, R. (2022). The roles of language proficiency and study abroad in Japanese students’ receptive pragmatic competence. Applied Pragmatics 4(1), 1–32.

Ellis, R., Zhu, Y., Shintani, N., & Roever, C. (2021). A study of Chinese learners’ ability to comprehend irony. Journal of Pragmatics 172, 7–20.


The roles of language proficiency and study abroad in Japanese students’ receptive pragmatic competence. (Co-presenter: R. Ellis). Applied Linguistics Conference: ALAA/ALANZ. Wellington, New Zealand, 25-27, November, 2022.


共催:LET関西支部 メソドロジー研究部会


  • 12:30–13:00


  • 13:00–13:15


    新谷 奈津子(関西大学)

  • 13:15-14:00

    Measuring L2 pragmatic ability from the performance of a monologue role play

    Natsuko Shintani (Kansai University)

  • 14:00-15:00

    Assessing intercultural communication competence:
    Reflections from an L2 English classroom in Japan

    Todd Allen (Kansai University)

  • 15:00-16:00

    TV ドラマコーパスで作成する定型表現口語例文集

    田中 洋也(北海学園大学)

  • 16:00-17:00


    大木 七帆(北海道武蔵野女子短期大学)
    大澤 真也(広島修道大学)

  • 17:00-17:30
