Conference Presentations

Refereed Colloquium/ Symposium Organization

Language Aptitude: Reconceptualizing the Construct and Reorienting the Research. Refereed symposium, AILA World Congress. Brisbane, Australia. August, 2014. Symposium organizers: S. Li and N. Shintani

The contribution of meta-analysis to second language acquisition research and theory. Refereed colloquium, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference. Dallas, March, 2013. Colloquium convener: S. Li, N. Shintani, R. Ellis., Presenters: L. Plonsky, S. Li, N. Shintani, J. Lee, R. Ellis., Discussants: J. Norris.

Refereed Individual Paper Presentations

What effect does deductive instruction have on the development of explicit and implicit pragmatic processing? (Co-presenter: R. Ellis). American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2024). Houston, USA, 15–19 March, 2024

Low proficiency learners’ perceptions of task-based language teaching in an ESP classroom in Japan. (Co-presenter: T. Fujita). The 10th International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching. Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 19-21, June 2023.

The roles of language proficiency and study abroad in Japanese students’ receptive pragmatic competence. (Co-presenter: R. Ellis). Applied Linguistics Conference: ALAA/ALANZ. Wellington, New Zealand, 25-27, November, 2022.

A genre-based approach to investigating the performance of a monologic pragmatic task. (Co-presenter: R. Ellis). 9th International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching, 29-31 August, 2022.

Learners’ use of machine translation during a collaborative writing task: A case study. (Co-presenter: T. Fujita). 20th Asia TEFL. Malang, Indonesia, 5-7 August 2022.

Comparative studies of task-based language teaching and other approaches. The Applied Linguistics Conference: ALAA/ ALLANZ. Perth, Australia, 25-27 November, 2019.

Implementing of task-based language teaching for young EFL learners in Japan. Shanghai Center for Research in English Language Education (SCRELE). Shanghai, China, 20–22 September, 2019.

Incidental acquisition of grammar and vocabulary in repeated text-reconstruction tasks. Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT 2017). Barcelona, Spain, 19–21 April, 2017.

Effects of isolated, integrated, and combined form-focused instruction on low-intermediate learners’ grammar acquisition. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2017). Portland, USA, 18–21 March, 2017.

The effectiveness of explicit instruction in L2 grammar learning: The roles of instruction type and feature type. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL2016). Orlando, USA, 9–11 April, 2016.

Effects of pre- and post-writing metalinguistic explanation on the acquisition of L2 grammar. (Co-presenters: S. Aubrey & M. Donnellan). Symposium of Second Language Writing. Auckland, New Zealand, 19–21 November, 2015.

Computer-mediated Synchronous (Immediate) and Asynchronous (Delayed) Direct Corrective Feedback. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2015). Toronto, Canada, 21–24 March, 2015.

Computer-mediated synchronous and asynchronous direct corrective feedback on writing: A case study of two L2 writers. The 13th Symposium on Second Language Writing, AZ, USA, 13-15 November, 2014.

Language analytical ability: What role does it play in L2 learners’ use of written feedback? AILA World Congress. Brisbane, Australia. 10-15, August, 2014.

The Incidental L2 Acquisition of Dimensional Adjectives by Young Children. The 10th Asian EFL Journal International TESOL Conference. Manila, Philippines. 31 January 31 - 2 February, 2014.

The effects of written corrective feedback on L2 learners’ explicit and implicit knowledge of the English indefinite article. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2014). Portland. 22-25 March, 2014.

The effect of synchronous and asynchronous written corrective feedback on grammatical accuracy in a computer-mediated environment. (with Aubrey, S.) American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2014). Portland. 22-25 March, 2014.

A meta-analysis of studies investigating the effects of reception- and production-based instruction on L2 vocabulary learning. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2013). Dallas, Texas. 15-19 March, 2013.

Using tasks with young learners in Japan: The role of the teacher. The 17th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL). Beijing, China. 21-23 August, 2012.

Input-based tasks and the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar: A process-product study. 2nd International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (FLTAL). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 4-6 May, 2012.

The effects of focus-on-forms and focus-on-form on vocabulary acquisition by young beginner learners. The 7th International ELT Research Conference. Çanakkale, Turkey. 27-28 April, 2012.

Task-based instruction: Task design and task implementation. 2nd Combined Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) and Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ). Canberra, Australia. 30 November - 2 December, 2011.

Effects of repeating listen-and-do tasks on children's L2 comprehension and production. The 4th Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching. Auckland, New Zealand. 18-20 November, 2011.

A comparative study of input-based and production-based instruction for vocabulary acquisition. The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA2011). Beijing, China. 23-28 August, 2011.

Incidental L2 acquisition of two English grammatical structures by young Japanese classroom learners in comprehension-based and production-based instruction. American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (AAAL 2011). Chicago. 26-29 March, 2011.

Implementing of task-based courses for young EFL learners in Japan. The 15th English in Southeast Asia Conference. Macau, China. 9-11 December, 2010.

Comprehension-based versus production-based instruction: Using conversation analysis to distinguish them. The 16th The Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand Symposium. Wellington, New Zealand. 1st December, 2010

Classroom interaction and acquisition – comparative study of TBLT and PPP for young EFL learners in Japan. The 1st Combined Conference the Applied Linguistics Association of NZ and Australia. Auckland, New Zealand, 2-4 December, 2009


Comparative studies investigating language teaching approaches: Limitations and possibilities LET関西支部メソドロジー研究部会2019年11月2日

Examining young learners’ ‘learning behaviours’ in repeated input-based tasks。Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF) 2016. Tokyo, Japan. September, 2017

Impact of task repetition on L2 learning: Multiple perspectives. Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF) 2016. Tokyo, Japan. September, 2016. Symposium organizer: N. Shintani

Implementing TBLT to young beginner learners: Input-based tasks and the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar. Task-based Learning and Teaching in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities. Osaka, Japan. 19-20 May, 2012.