研究概要 (Research target)



To realize heartfelt communication

In human face-to-face communication, not only verbal messages but also non-verbal behaviors such as nodding, body movements, gestures, facial expressions, gaze and pupil responses are transmitted and received unconsciously. Humans can form relationships through non-verbal behaviors, even when communication is inadequate in verbal messages. However, in the communication between humans and social robots, since the social robots cannot imitate the essential of communication, a lot of non-verbal information is lost, and human needs to estimate robot's behaviors including the context. Therefore, we believe that a smooth communication can be realized by incorporating the mechanism in which non-verbal behaviors are transmitted and received into the social robots and clarify the principle of communication that is realized only by the inadequacy of humans. Among them, focusing on gaze behavior and pupil response that are closely related to human emotions, and we elucidate the unconscious behaviors that humans communicate naturally, and create the robotics technologies for heartfelt communication based on the principle.

瞳孔を用いた親近感向上コミュニケーション (To enhance familiarity between human and social robots)


Human pupil dilates / contracts according to its own interests. This dilated pupil attracts to humans. Therefore, we try to introduce this "pupil mechanism" into social robots and make the robots behave as if they were interested. We believe that it is possible to improve the familiarity, relief, and trust of the social robots.

  • 2022~2023年度 新学術領域研究(対話知能学) 好意の返報性に基づく対話惹き込みシステムの開発
  • 2021年度 立石科学技術振興財団 高齢者のプライバシーに配慮して傾聴するお節介護ロボット
  • 2019~2021年度 基盤研究(C) 懐に入り込むための瞳孔反応を用いた親近性を促進させるペットロボットの開発
  • 2016~2018年度 基盤研究(C) 認知症予防を目指した共感的情動表現を行うアニマル型瞳孔反応ロボットの開発
  • 2014~2015年度 若手研究(B) 認知症予防のための瞳孔反応ロボットの開発

  • 人を惹きつけるコミュニケーション (To attract human communication by twinkle eyes)


    Eyes are twinkling accrding to own motivation. Humans are attracted to the twinkling eyes and have a good impression. Therefore, we try to reveal the mechanism that attracts human by disassembling twinkling eyes into various elements and reconstructing it. As the first step, we are developing a robot that sheds tears to reproduce the twinkle of the eyeball.

    視線によるコミュニケーション (To enhance group communication by gaze)


    It is well kown that human gaze plays an imortant role in the smoothness of group communication. Focusing on the gaze ratio in the group communication, we have been demonstrated that the increation of gaze ratio on the left side for the group enhances the sense of unity in the communication. By applying this mechanism to the robots, we can create human-like guide robots.

  • 2012~2013年度 若手研究(B) うつ病診断のためのアイコンタクト計測システムの開発