This is the installer of VA-FDTD. Unzip the downloaded file. Execute setup.exe, follow the instructions in the dialogs, and install the VA-FDTD INTERFACE, VA-FDTD CHECKER, and VA-FDTD SOLVER. VA-FDTD INTERFACE requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8. Normally, it is already installed in Windows, but if an error regarding .NET Framework occurs during the installation, please update your Windows or download and install the runtime of .NET Framework 4.8 from Microsoft .NET.
ver.2.0.01 (2025.3.8)

These are the function m-files for displaying the calculated results in MATLAB. Unzip the downloaded file. vafdtd_animation.m creates animation of cross-sectional distributions, vafdtd_graph.m displays point responses, vafdtd_auralizaion.m makes audible point responses. Please enter "help vafdtd_animation" etc. in MATLAB for usage of each file.
ver.1.1.04 (2024.10.6)

These are the source files of VA-FDTD. Unzip the downloaded file. These files are written in C# and C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. When installing Visual Studio Community 2022 or others, check .NET Desktop Development and Desktop Development with C++ checkboxes from the Workloads tab. After the installation, open the Extension Manager from Extensions > Manage Extensions in Visual Studio and install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects 2022 from Browse. Then, open VA-FDTD.sln in the extracted zip file with Visual Studio to edit and build source files.
ver.2.0.01 (2025.3.8)

These are the source files of VA-FDTD SOLVER written in FORTRAN90. Unzip the downloaded file. Copy FDC and FDS files to input directory in the directory where the executable files created by building the source files are located. Calculated results will be output to matlab directory or paraview directory in output directory. Please build VA-FDTD_SOLVER_2D/3D.f90 with GCC gfortran or Intel Fortran Compiler etc. By enabling the compiler option of OpenMP, memory-shared parallel computation can be carried out. Please run by entering "VA-FDTD_SOLVER_3D.exe *** !!!" (*** is a part of the file name such as ***.fds, !!! is the number of cores to be used for the calculation).For VA-FDTD_SOLVER_2D/3D_CUDA_MPI.cuf, please prepare a GPU cluster and build it with PGI Professional. Please run by entering "mpirun -np $$$ VA-FDTD_SOLVER_3D(_CUDA)_MPI.exe *** !!!" ($$$ is the number of processes of nodes used for the calculation, *** is a part of the file name such as ***.fds, !!! is the number of cores used by each process).
ver.2.0.00 (2025.3.8)

These are some examples of configuration and input data for VA-FDTD INTERFACE. Unzip the downloaded file. It contains the FDI files for simple vibroacoustic problems and the FDI files created by authors when writing the below book. In addition, files labelled "mds_for_wall-backed.csv" and "mds_for_transmission.csv" are included as examples of frequency characteristics data to be read on the MDS Parameters tab of VA-FDTD INTERFACE. Further, a file labelled "input.csv" is also included as an example of waveform data to be read on the Source tab.
ver.1.0.02 (2024.1.1)

- M. Toyoda et al., "Acoustic Field Visualization by the FDTD Method", Corona Publishing CO., LTD, 2015 (in Japanese).